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11 Things to Stop Buying That'll Save You Tons of Money

Written by Impact Health Sharing | Aug 30, 2023 7:49:14 PM

11 Things to Stop Buying That'll Save You Tons of Money

Let's face it: we all love to shop. But sometimes, our love for material things can get the best of us. As a society, we have become addicted to consumerism, and its impact has taken a toll on our wallets. The good news is that there are plenty of items we can stop buying to save money without compromising our happiness or quality of life. In this blog post, we'll share 11 things you should consider cutting back on to help you save tons of cash. From bottled water and takeout coffee to fast fashion and digital subscriptions, we'll show you how small changes can lead to big savings in the long run. Join us as we explore ways to be smarter with your spending habits and make your money work for you!

Recognizing Consumerism and Its Impact

Consumerism has a profound influence on our spending habits, often leading us to make excessive purchases that can negatively impact our financial well-being. To combat this, it's crucial to adopt a mindset of mindful spending and set long-term goals. This involves being aware of the societal pressures that drive consumerism and embracing a minimalist approach to reduce unnecessary purchases. By recognizing the consequences of excessive consumption, we can prioritize saving money instead. Setting savings goals, utilizing coupons, and using budgeting apps are some effective strategies. Additionally, exploring high-yield savings accounts and automatic savings transfers are good ideas to build up an emergency fund and achieve long-term financial stability. Embracing minimalism and making conscious choices when it comes to spending are key steps in combating consumerism and saving money.

Unnecessary Purchases: A Pitfall to Avoid

Impulse buying can be a tempting pitfall that affects our budget. It's important to consciously avoid unnecessary purchases by making well-thought-out decisions. Understanding the psychological triggers behind impulsive buying can help us resist the urge. Before making a purchase, it's crucial to assess its true value and necessity and to check your credit report. By prioritizing long-term financial goals over short-lived gratification, we can avoid falling into the trap of unnecessary spending. Utilizing techniques such as creating savings goals, tracking expenses, and using money-saving apps can also contribute to making smarter purchasing decisions. Taking these steps can lead to a healthier financial future.

1. Bottled Water: An Expense to Cut

If you want to save money, one expense to cut is bottled water. Not only is it expensive, but it's often unnecessary. Instead, consider investing in a reusable water bottle. Tap water is generally just as safe and clean as bottled water. By cutting out bottled water, you can also have a positive impact on the environment by reducing plastic waste and transportation emissions. Over time, this simple change can lead to significant savings. So, why not make the switch to tap water and start saving money?


Why Investing in a Reusable Water Bottle and Filter Can Save Money

Investing in a reusable water bottle and filter offers multiple financial benefits. While there may be an initial investment involved, the long-term savings are significant. By opting for tap or filtered water instead of buying bottled water, individuals can save a substantial amount of money over time. Additionally, carrying a reusable water bottle provides convenience and eliminates the need to constantly purchase single-use bottles. Using a water filter also has potential health benefits by ensuring clean drinking water. Encouraging readers to calculate their potential savings will further demonstrate the financial advantages of this simple switch.

2. How Reducing Takeaway Coffee Consumption Can Boost Savings

Reducing the amount of money spent on takeaway coffee can have a significant impact on your savings. Takeaway coffee can quickly become a financial drain, costing you precious dollars over time. One way to boost your savings is by investing in a quality coffee maker or French press. This allows you to make your own coffee at home, which is much more cost-effective than buying takeaway drinks. Additionally, consider bringing your own reusable coffee cups to cafes for a small discount and to reduce waste. By making these simple changes, you can enjoy your favorite coffee drinks while saving money in the process.

Alternatives to Daily Takeaway Coffees

Looking to cut down on your daily takeaway coffee expenses? We've got you covered with some cost-effective alternatives that won't compromise on taste. Brew your coffee at home using tips and tricks to replicate the flavors of expensive cafes. Invest in a quality coffee maker or consider a coffee subscription service to save on costs in the long run. Don't forget the convenience of portable coffee mugs for your on-the-go caffeine fix. And here's an extra tip: calculate the potential savings you could make by reducing your takeaway coffee purchases. It's time to start enjoying your coffee and saving some cash!

3. The True Cost of Fast Fashion

Fast fashion may seem affordable, but its true cost extends beyond price tags. The environment and workers pay a heavy toll for cheap clothing. The incessant desire for new garments perpetuates a cycle of wasteful consumption and disposal. Investing in quality, timeless pieces is one of the easiest ways to make a smart long-term financial move. Consider shopping second-hand or swapping clothes with friends to save money and reduce waste. Properly caring for your clothing through washing and storage can also extend their lifespan. By choosing sustainable alternatives and making conscious fashion choices, you can save money while minimizing the detrimental impact of fast fashion.

Tips for Building a Sustainable and Economic Wardrobe

When it comes to building a sustainable and economical wardrobe, knowing the best time to shop is key. One key tip is to invest in high-quality, versatile clothing items that can be worn in multiple ways. Instead of shopping at traditional fast fashion retailers, consider exploring alternatives like thrift stores or sustainable brands. Proper clothing care is essential for extending your garments' lifespan, so follow care instructions and store your clothes properly. Lastly, prioritize value and longevity over trends when making clothing purchases. By following these tips, you can build a wardrobe that is both sustainable and cost-effective.

4. Rethinking your Subscriptions

It's time to reconsider your cable subscription. Not only can cable subscriptions be expensive, but they often include channels you don't even watch. Instead, think about cutting the cord and switching to streaming services like Netflix or Hulu. These platforms offer a wide range of shows and movies at a fraction of the cost. If you still want live TV channels, consider options like Sling TV or YouTube TV. And if you must have cable, try negotiating with your provider for a better deal or bundle package.

Is Streaming a More Economical Option?

Comparing the costs of cable subscriptions and streaming services, it's clear that streaming offers potential savings. With a wide range of content available on popular platforms, switching to streaming can be a cost-effective choice. Concerns about live sports or news availability on streaming platforms can be addressed, and readers are encouraged to calculate their potential savings.

5. The Financial Burden of Eating Out Regularly

Eating out regularly can quickly become a costly habit, with dollars adding up over time. However, by preparing meals at home, you can save significant money in the long run. Planning meals ahead of time and buying groceries in bulk are great ways to cut costs. Moreover, learning to cook simple and healthy meals not only improves your overall well-being but also reduces the burden on your wallet. Consider setting a budget for eating out or limiting it to special occasions to maintain a healthy balance between dining out and saving money.

The Money-saving Benefits of Home Cooking

When it comes to money-saving tips, home cooking can have a significant impact. You can save money in the long run by taking control of your ingredients and portion sizes. Cooking at home also helps you avoid unnecessary expenses like delivery fees and tips. Planning your meals beforehand allows you to make a grocery list and stick to buying only what you need, reducing wastage. Investing in kitchen appliances like slow cookers or pressure cookers can help you save both time and money. Additionally, meal prepping is a great way to save even more money and minimize food waste.

6. Do You Really Need All Those Subscriptions?

Are all those subscriptions really necessary? Subscriptions can quickly become a financial burden. Take the time to assess which ones are essential and cancel any that are not. Consider sharing or consolidating subscriptions with family or friends to save money. Regularly review your subscriptions to avoid paying for services you no longer use.

Auditing Digital Subscriptions for Potential Savings

When it comes to saving money, auditing your digital subscriptions can be a game-changer. Start by reviewing your bank statements to identify all your active subscriptions. Analyze the value and frequency of use for each subscription to determine if they're truly worth the cost. Consider downgrading to lower-tier plans or opting for annual subscriptions for potential savings. Don't forget to look for bundle deals or discounts for subscribing to multiple services from the same provider. And don't be afraid to negotiate with providers for better rates or promotional offers. These steps can help you cut unnecessary expenses and put more money back in your pocket through an audit.

7. The Hidden Costs of Impulsive Internet Shopping

Impulsive online shopping can lead to overspending and financial strain. Online retailers employ various tactics, such as limited-time offers and personalized recommendations, to encourage impulsive purchases. The convenience of online shopping makes it easier to make snap decisions without considering the long-term financial impact. It's crucial to set a budget before browsing and stick to it to avoid falling into this trap. Avoid storing credit card information on shopping websites to reduce the temptation to make impulsive purchases. Additionally, waiting 24 hours before making a purchase ensures that it is a necessary and worthwhile investment.

Strategies for Avoiding Impulse Buys Online

Limiting exposure to promotional offers by unsubscribing from marketing emails is a great way to avoid impulse buys. Additionally, disabling one-click purchasing options on online stores can help prevent impulsive buying. Mindful browsing, where you focus on specific items you need instead of aimlessly scrolling through product pages, is another effective strategy. Utilizing shopping cart abandonment as a chance to reassess purchases and assess their necessity can also curb impulse buying. Finally, seeking support from friends or family can provide the accountability needed to avoid impulsive online shopping. By implementing these strategies, you can save money and make more intentional purchase decisions.

8. Are These Products Bleeding Your Wallet Dry?

Consider the cost difference between brand-name and generic products. Often, the quality is similar, so try switching to generic alternatives to save money without sacrificing quality. Over time, these small changes can lead to significant savings.

Going Generic: A Smart Money-saving Move?

Consider switching to generic products as a smart money-saving move. These alternatives often offer similar quality and effectiveness to brand-name items but at a lower cost. By choosing generics, you can save money without compromising your needs or preferences. Explore generic options for commonly purchased items and keep track of the savings you accumulate.


9. Save Money by Ditching Disposable Products

Disposable products can quickly become a costly habit, adding up to unnecessary expenses. Instead, consider switching to reusable alternatives like water bottles, cloth napkins, and washable cleaning cloths. Not only will this help you save money in the long run, but it will also reduce waste and benefit the environment. Disposable products may be made with cheaper materials that compromise quality, so investing in reusable options can pay off in terms of both savings and durability. By ditching disposable products, you can avoid frequent purchases and make a positive impact on your wallet and the planet.

Reusable Items: An Investment That Pays Off

Investing in reusable items can lead to long-term savings. While they may have a higher upfront cost, comparing it with disposable alternatives reveals the potential for significant savings. Look out for sales or discounts to make your investment even more cost-effective. Consider the durability and lifespan of reusable items to determine their long-term value. Additionally, finding creative ways to repurpose or reuse items can save you from constantly buying new disposable products. By making this investment, you'll not only save money but also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.


What Other Items are Draining Your Budget?

Everyday items that drain your budget include expensive daily coffee, eating out frequently, unnecessary subscription services, impulse shopping, and overspending on clothes. Save money by brewing your own coffee, cooking at home, canceling unused subscriptions, avoiding non-essential purchases, and shopping thriftily or second-hand.


Making small changes to your spending habits can have a big impact on your finances. By cutting out unnecessary expenses like bottled water and takeaway coffee, rethinking your cable subscription, and eating out less frequently, you can save a significant amount of money. Take control of your consumerism and make wiser choices to free up cash for things that truly matter to you, like affordable healthcare. Impact Health Sharing has become a top choice among many families not only because of the outstanding customer service and care but also because it fits most budgets.

Start implementing these changes today and watch your savings grow.



Savings Disclaimer
Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of savings. The savings potential depends entirely on the individual Member's circumstances and membership choices of the program.