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Healthcare Sharing Questions Answered

Healthcare Sharing Option


Dr. Maharaj, Impact Health Sharing's Medical Director discussed some of the topics and questions that come up often when shopping for Health Insurance and even exploring the healthcare sharing options available today.


What is Impact Health Sharing? 

Impact is a community, a group saying, let's be transparent and commit to sharing our eligible medical bills on a monthly basis. You know where your money is going, you can see what you shared in and you can reach out on our platform and send well wishes, which is really nice.


That's the work's better feels better portion. Impact Health Sharing works better because it's transparent, reduces costs, it's not for profit, and member-centric.


Why was Impact Health Sharing started?

Phil Chrysler, founder, and CEO of Impact shared that healthcare has always been an important topic and we were introduced to healthcare sharing. It helps those that have a side hustle become more independent and gives them access to affordable healthcare. He loved the transparency, the love, and the not-for-profit approach. So he said, we have to create our own healthcare sharing organization and create a community that believes in those concepts. 


Who can join Impact Health Sharing?

Dr. Maharaj says it's really important to think of those people that don't get health care or health insurance through their employer, most of the time they're uninsured and they're vulnerable. They're not getting the care that they need because they don't have access to it in an economical way. Independent workers like hairdressers, graphic designers, or small businesses often go uninsured.  

During the pandemic, there's been more opportunity to be more entrepreneurial. And healthcare obviously is a critical component of that entrepreneurial path. Impact Health Sharing delivers a solution that is affordable. Unlike other healthcare sharing organizations,  limit their membership to members of certain faith-based organizations or certain religions but Impact welcomes everyone. 


Do I pay the doctor and then get reimbursed?

No. Many healthcare sharing ministries work that way but Impact takes the work out of your hands. Your medical bills will be submitted to Impact by your Medical Providers. Impact will process all bills for eligibility per the Guidelines. Eligible bills are then loaded into the Virtual Share Exchange for sharing. Amounts Approved for Sharing are allocated to your fellow members who have been matched to share in (pay) your bill.

If you are interested in learning more visit our website! You can join anytime!