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Impact Health SharingSep 15, 2020 1:54:00 PM2 min read

Memory Loss - What Can You Do?

Impact Healthcare Sharing option

Tired of losing your keys or forgetting why you walked into a room? It happens to all of us occasionally, but there are things you can do to sharpen your memory and there are signs to watch for, so you can decide when to seek professional help.



5 Tips to Boost Your Memory


1. Get moving! 

When you increase physical activity, blood flow also increases to your whole body. That includes your brain. This might help keep your memory sharp. Even adding 10 minutes a day will help. And don’t forget brain exercises, like crossword puzzles, learn a foreign language, play chess, or tell a story. Storytelling is great for memory, as you recall smells, sounds and emotions that connect you to an event. Of course, you can always download an app that will increase brain function, like Lumosity.


2. Organize

If you are living in chaos and disorder and overwhelmed with clutter, you are more likely to forget things. Create a to-do list or even better, keep a daily journal. “Remember the Milk” is an app you can download on your smartphone where you take all your mental notes and store them in the app.


3. Sleep well

Lack of sleep can affect a plethora of things, so it’s no surprise that sleep plays a vital role in helping you consolidate your memories. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a day—so make sleep a priority. A good night’s sleep will help your body rest and recharge. Stop eating two to three hours before you hit the hay and keep your room dark and cool. Take a bath, unwind, read a book and avoid stressful activity. Your brain and your family will thank you!


4. Eat healthy

You may have heard by now that it’s important to eat “heart-healthy” but it’s also important to eat for brain health. Add fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your daily diet. Choose low-fat protein sources, such as fish, beans, and skinless poultry. What you drink counts also. Too much alcohol, for example, can lead to confusion and memory loss. Some studies have shown that eating berries on a regular basis help improve your brain function. Take small steps to include berries in your cereal for breakfast, in a smoothie, or try adding berries to a salad or dessert. Berries provide a healthful addition to a regular diet.


5. Stay mentally active

Try doing things to keep your mind active too. Grab that crossword puzzle or other challenging game to stay engaged.


“As we think, we change the physical nature of our brain. As we consciously direct our thinking, we can wire out toxic patterns of thinking and replace them with healthy thoughts.”

- Dr. Caroline Leaf


Impact Healthcare Sharing option

When to Seek Help


So when should you seek help if you're worried about memory loss? If memory loss affects your ability to complete your daily activities, or if you notice your memory getting worse—talk to your doctor. They will likely do a physical exam, as well as check your memory and problem-solving skills.


Sometimes other tests may be needed. Treatment will depend on what's contributing to your memory loss. Talk to your physician about your concerns and always give yourself time to rest.


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