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Small Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone’s Day

acts of kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Day® is Thursday, February 17, 2022 and Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 13-19, 2022.

Enter Random Acts of Kindness Foundation’s 2022 Coloring Contest by visiting their website and downloading their coloring sheet.


Need some ideas to make someone’s day? These simple options will bring a smile to anyone’s face! 


1. Pay it forward. Pay for the person behind you in line at your local coffee shop, most times this continues during the day once someone starts it. This small thing can turn someone’s day around.


2. Send a note. Leave a positive sticky note on someone’s desk or mail a postcard to a friend with a short encouraging word. 


3. Help an elderly neighbor. If you have a neighbor that you know struggles to get things done, why not offer to mow their lawn, get their mail or wash their car for them?


4. Help a friend practice self-care. Grab a friend and go get a pedicure or hit the golfing range and spend time doing something you both love.


5. Bring extra bags to the grocery store and offer them to another person in line. 


6. Pay for a student’s lunch. Call your local school and ask to speak with the social worker and put money into an account of a child in need.


7. Make someone a playlist. Create a playlist for a friend filled with peaceful or fun music and give it a cue title to make them smile.


8. Take someone to the movies. Call a friend you haven’t seen in a while and treat them to the movies.


9. Smile at someone… just because (even Mother Teresa said, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”).


10. Give someone a book you think they’d like. If you know someone who loves to read then most likely they would be really happy to get a new book “just because.”


11. Cook someone a meal. Know a busy parent? Why not make them a meal and drop it off to bring some ease to a busy night.


12. Bring doughnuts or fruit to work. Make a little sign next to it that says something nice like, “I bought this just for you!” or “Enjoy this special treat, I hope you have a great day!”


13. Give someone a compliment. Don’t be shy, tell a stranger you like their shirt, car, or shoes. 


14. Let someone behind you at the supermarket check out first. This goes a long way especially when someone is in a hurry.


15. Carry a $5 gift card with you and give it to someone randomly.

be kind

Don’t overthink your random act of kindness! Even the simplest things can make a difference.

If you’re introverted and intimidated by talking to a stranger, you can always spread kindness to someone you know. Eventually, it will get further from you and before you know it, the kindness will spread to strangers.


The airport is a great place to do a random act of kindness. It’s already a place that causes stress so think about the impact it can make by bringing a smile to someone’s face.


Did you know that the Impact members send encouraging notes to one another? Spreading kindness and sharing the burden of others is important to us and that's why we have designated space to do just that.

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