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Want to know what REAL members have to say about Impact? Click my link, and let's chat more about why our members think Impact is the better option! [insert your link]
Impact is for all ages, not just spring chickens!
With members reporting big savings each month, we think it's smart to see what the price savings might be for you
I'd love nothing more than to explain why I think Impact can save you money this year. [insert your link]
Impact Health Sharing has an amazing community feel. Did you know that with ShareStream members can post prayers and words of encouragement to those facing medical challenges? Click my link and let's have a short conversation of why I think you'll benefit from switching to Impact. [insert your link]
Most members save about $500 monthly. Plans start as low as $73 for individuals and $378 for families. With over 500 unique price points, you can find an option to fit your budget. Click my link, and let's go over what options are available for your specific needs. [insert your link]