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Sleep Better!


We have put together a simple guide on how to sleep better. We know you’re excited and so are we! Let’s get started.


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It’s that time of year again! Warmer weather, spring flowers, and new gardens are in your very near future. That also means that daylight saving time begins!


It may seem like such a small thing, but with daylight savings beginning this Sunday, March 8th, we thought it might be a great time to talk about sleep. 


Remember that you “spring forward” one hour. This basically moves one hour of daylight in the morning to the evening. That’s right, long summer nights are coming!


Even so, when you rise on Monday morning, after losing an hour of sleep, you may not feel so excited about the long summer nights. Much less, if you are among the 70% of adults who suffer from restless sleep—at least once a night—or of the 11% with insomnia.1


If so, a change in time can greatly impact you; throwing off your internal clock. Be that as it may, it takes the average person one or two days to make the adjustment. Let’s look at some great options for a better night’s rest.


Impact Healthcare Sharing


How can I get more sleep?


Where you sleep is important. 

  • Don’t sleep on the couch. 
  • Create a peaceful and comfortable environment in your bedroom. 
  • Get a new mattress. Can you remember how old your mattress is? If you can’t, it may be time to get a new one. If you are sleeping on an old and worn-out mattress, this can greatly decrease your quality of sleep. Replacement is recommended every 5-8 years. 
  • Turn off all lights and electronic devices. Light suppresses the secretion of the sleep-inducing substance, melatonin. If you need to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, don’t turn on the light. Install a nightlight instead.
  • Dark, quiet, and cool are key factors for a sleep-inducing environment.


What you do before you sleep is important.


  • Ease up on caffeine. We know that caffeine is a stimulant. This is the opposite of what you want near bedtime. So, stop sipping that java or caffeinated beverage by 4 p.m.
  • Avoid naps. A ten-minute nap is okay, but you should avoid long naps that can disrupt your internal clock.
  • Finish up your food consumption 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid alcohol, as it can disrupt your sleep later that night. 
  • Stick to a regular bedtime. Our bodies thrive on routine!
  • Find something calming to do right before bedtime. Read a book, take a warm bath, or listen to soothing, relaxing music. 


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Lack of sleep greatly affects mood and how you deal with things. Although you should always consult your physician before adding anything new, here are some natural ways to combat sleeplessness that many have found helpful.2


Essential oils - Lavender oil is a great option. Lavender has relaxant properties. Add some lavender oil to a diffuser before bedtime. 

Supplements - Magnesium, for instance, can improve cardiovascular health, muscle function, relaxation, helps with inflammation, and enhances readiness for sleep.

Valerian root – This herb can help you fall asleep and improve sleep quality.

Exercise - this is a known and proven fact to improve your sleeping habits, however, it’s also important to finish exercising several hours before bedtime.


Remember, cut back on caffeine—stick to decaf, skip late-night snacking—especially sugar, and refrain from any type of overstimulation. 


Impact Healthcare Sharing option


Talk with your doctor about your options. Oftentimes a simple blood test can reveal a vitamin deficiency is the main cause of your restless sleep. Conversely, other more serious issues, such as abnormal thyroid function, heart disease, sleep apnea, or a mental health disorder may need to be addressed before you experience the much-needed rest you’ve been seeking.


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1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Perceived Insufficient Rest or Sleep Among Adults—United States, 2008. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 58:1179

2 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.