Present your Impact member card and ask the provider to bill Impact using the information on the back of your member card.
If you have used health insurance in the past, using Impact Health Sharing won't feel a whole lot different. Present your Impact member card and ask the provider to bill Impact using the information on the back of your member card. All of the information that their billing specialist will need is on the card. Our phone number is also included on the card if they have any questions. If they ask what network Impact participates with, you can let them know that you are free to see any provider you choose.
At each visit only pay your provider fee. The provider fee is $0 for Telemedicine, $50 for each primary care visit, $75 per specialist or urgent care visit or $150 for an emergency room visit or hospitalization.
If a Provider still has questions, it’s best for them to call the toll-free number on the back of every member card and follow the provider-specific prompts. If they don't want to call, you can print this provider letter and take it with you.
Another helpful option is for the member to ask the Provider for a discounted “cash pay” alternative and immediately pay the Provider at the time of service. Then, the member can download and submit a Medical Expense Form and that expense will be evaluated like any other medical bill.
Watch this video for information on using Impact at any provider, or click here for the PDF version and here for the PDF version in regards to our senior members.
If you require further assistance in locating a provider, please do not hesitate to contact us, and our Member Services team will be delighted to assist you.